
Q: How long does shipping take?

A: Shipping times vary due to varying production times of products and seasonal demand. Most products are shipped within 10 days of placing your order (usually sooner).

Q: What shipping carrier do you use?

A: Our shop is partnered with Printify, a renowned print on demand company, which handles the printing and shipping of your orders. They use various shipping carriers depending on the destination.

Q: How can I track my order?

A: You will receive a tracking number once your order has been printed and sent. If you have not received a tracking number within 10 days, please contact us so that we can get you an update on the status of your order.


Q: What is your refund policy?

A: While we have a high level of confidence in the services provided by our print on demand partner, occasional errors can occur. Should you encounter any issues with print quality or if you receive an incorrect size or product, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. In the event of an error in printing or shipping, we will gladly accept returns, exchanges, and refunds.

Q: Can I get a refund if I provided incorrect sizing or inaccurate information during the order placement process?

A: Refunds will not be applicable for instances where incorrect sizing or inaccurate information was provided during the order placement process. It is important that you ensure all information is correct prior to submitting your order, including shipping address, size, and color.

Product Questions

Q: How do I choose the right size for my clothing?

A: Each product has a size chart to assist you in ordering the accurate size. Please refer to the size chart provided on the product page to select the appropriate size for your measurements.

Q: What if I receive the wrong size or product?

A: If you receive an incorrect size or product due to manufacturing error, please reach out to us immediately. We will work with our print on demand partner to resolve the issue and ensure you receive the correct item.

Q: Can I customize the design or add my own text?

A: At the moment, we do not offer customization options for our products. However, we are constantly expanding our product range and looking for suggestions, so feel free to submit your ideas and stay tuned for any updates or new releases.

Q: How do I care for my product?

A: For best results, we recommend following the care instructions provided with your product. In general, most of our clothing items can be machine washed on a gentle cycle with like colors inside out. Tumble dry on low heat or hang to dry. Avoid using bleach or harsh detergents and do NOT iron graphic design.

Q:  Do you offer wholesale or bulk discounts?

A: Yes, we offer wholesale and bulk discounts for certain products. If you are interested in purchasing a large quantity of items, please contact our customer support team for more information and pricing.

Q:   Can I cancel or modify my order?

A: If you need to cancel or modify your order, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. We will do our best to accommodate your request, but please note that since the product is made to order, once an order has been accepted, processed and shipped, we may not be able to make changes.